Cancellation, Suspension, or Variation of Conditions of Registration

The CQC has extensive enforcement powers which, if exercised, can have a major impact on providers’ registrations. These powers can be taken on notice or, if urgent, on an emergency basis.

The CQC can serve a:

Notice of Proposal (NOP) to:

Ridouts can help you to draft representations to the NOP setting out why the proposed action should not be taken.

Notice of Decision (NOD) to:

Ridouts can help you to appeal the Notice of Decision to the First-Tier (Care Standards) Tribunal.

Magistrates’ Court Order:

Ridouts can help you to appeal the order to the First-Tier (Care Standards) Tribunal.

Such action can be highly damaging, reputations can be tarnished, providers can be prosecuted for failing to comply with conditions of registration and businesses can be lost.

Ridouts can work with you to build a robust response to these types of action.

Letter of Intent

The CQC may issue a Letter of Intent to Providers.  These are used as a pre-cursor to the above types of action.  These letters ask the providers to respond within a short timeframe (often 24 hours or less) to assure the CQC that suitable action is being taken to mitigate perceived risk.

Ridouts can help you by:

Outcomes achieved include: 


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