CQC Inspection Changes Being Introduced

Topics covered: Ridouts professional advice

This week the CQC have announced that they are going to start phasing in the changes relating to how they inspect health and social care services from next week.  This follows a consultation by CQC into how it regulates providers of these services.

The main changes include an increase in general CQC inspections of services, including unannounced inspections.  Most hospitals, care homes and domiciliary care providers are to be inspected at least once a year with dental and other services being inspected at least once every two years.  Extra inspectors are being recruited by CQC to help with this meaning that individual inspectors will be responsible for a smaller number of services than before.  There will also be an increased use of ‘Experts’, people with experience in different aspects of care including members of the public.

Their focus will be on whether providers are meeting the standards outlined in CQC’s Guidance about Compliance.  This focuses on providers meeting a minimum of 5 standards falling under each of 5 ‘chapter headings’ in the guide.


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