Inspection Reports and Factual Accuracy Comments

Following a site visit inspection the Care Quality Commission will produce an inspection report recording its findings. 

Negative findings, including breaches of regulations, can have a negative effect on a practice and information can be passed on to other bodies such as NHS England Area Teams or the General Dental Council.

Dental practices have a short period of time to make factual accuracy comments.  If you do not make representations, you will be deemed to accept the findings.

Inspections can lead to other enforcement action.  This can happen immediately or following a succession of reports showing non-compliance.

Dental practices can suffer reputational, staffing and financial damage as a result of an inaccurate inspection report.

Ridouts can help you to challenge the factual accuracy of the report.  We will work with you to gather evidence and put together as robust response as possible. 

Ridouts can help you by: 


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