Minster for Care launches recruitment campaign for adult social care

Topics covered: Ridouts professional advice

Caroline Dineage, Care Minister, has launched a government campaign to encourage more people to work in adult social care.

A campaign is being launched by The Department of Health and Social Care in Gloucestershire and Tyne and Wear. This will look at the best ways to run a national campaign in early 2019.

As it stands there are around 110,000 vacancies in adult social care in England. Staff turnover is also high at 31 per cent. Alongside the increase in the number of people aged 65 and over requiring around-the-clock care, something needs to be done to explore the most effective way of pushing a recruitment drive.

Caroline Dineage, Care Minister, has said:-

“A career in adult social care is incredibly rewarding and care work is a hugely worthwhile vocation with over 100 different roles on offer. With a growing need for more care workers we want to support providers to recruit the best possible talent.

“Our new recruitment pilots will explore the most effective ways of doing this, to ensure we have a workforce fit for the future and able to meet the needs of some of society’s most vulnerable.”

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