One of the largest NHS Trusts due out of special measures thanks to staff ‘dedication and skill’

Topics covered: Ridouts professional advice

Addenbrokes Hospital, one of the UK’s largest NHS trusts, is expected to come out of special measures thanks to the “dedication and skill” of staff, a report has said.

The CQC has changed the rating for Cambridge University Hospitals Trust from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’. This follows a visit by inspectors in September 2016. The last main inspection was in April 2015 and it exposed staffing problems and management failings.

The latest inspection covered eight main areas including surgery, critical care and maternity services and each was rated regarding safety, effectiveness, care, responsiveness and leadership. Following this inspection, the Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Prof Sir Mike Richards, said he was “recommending that Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is removed from special measures”. Despite CQC indicating the Trust is coming out of special measures, NHS Improvement is ultimately responsible for putting trusts in and out of special measures and are yet to comment on the matter.

The public-sector union Unison, which represents health workers, said the inspections had gone from a “slap in the face to a slap on the back”.

Stuart Tuckwood, spokesman for Unison said:-

“They have repeatedly gone the extra mile to help with improvements in their services”.

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