Ongoing consultation on a three-way merger to create the largest NHS Trust yet

Topics covered: Jaime Streete, NHS, NHS England

A public consultation is currently underway until the 9th of March on a merger between three NHS hospitals. Basildon, Broomfield and Southend hospital are considering merging in an effort to modernise services and improve the reliability and safety of patients.

The hospitals are run by a joint executive group and have been working in collaboration with each other since 2016.

The plans have been recommended by NHS England and it is hoped that such a move would save money and improve the emergency admissions process.  However, the group Save Southend NHS has expressed its major discontent with the move, contending it would reduce the number of services available to patients.

A final decision will be made in the summer and should the merger be successful, it is reported to be in place by April 2019.




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