Brain ‘wonder-drug’ discovered by experts

Topics covered: Ridouts professional advice

A drug, discovered by scientists, has been found to stop all neurodegenerative brain diseases, including dementia.

A UK Medical Research Council team stopped brain cells dying in an animal for the first time in 2013, creating headlines around the world. Nevertheless, the compound used was unsuitable for people, as it caused organ damage. But the two drugs found now are already safely used in people, and have the same protective effect on the brain.

Professor Giovanna Mallucci, from the MRC Toxicology Unit in Leicester, wants to start human clinical trials on dementia patients soon and expects to know whether the drugs work within two to three years.

Dr Doug Brown, from the Alzheimer’s Society, said:-

“We’re excited by the potential of these findings, from this well conducted and robust study.

“As one of the drugs is already available as a treatment for depression, the time taken to get from the lab to the pharmacy could be dramatically reduced.”

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