The NHS faces unique challenges balancing regulatory requirements, political pressures and government targets, alongside delivering safe and quality patient care.

Use the buttons below to find out how Ridouts can help your Trust.

Cancellation, Suspension, or Variation of Conditions of registration

The CQC has extensive enforcement powers which, if exercised, can have a major impact on a Trust’s registration
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Sometimes an inquest will be held following the death of a service user. There are conclusions and language used that may have a negative impact on your Trust, including findings of neglect.
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Inspection Reports, Factual Accuracy Comments and Ratings

NHS Trusts can suffer reputational, staffing and financial damage as a result of an inaccurate inspection report.
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Regulator Prosecutions

Being faced with a prosecution can be highly stressful, disruptive and confusing. Careful steps must be taken to ensure your case is put forward clearly and robustly.
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Safeguarding Adults Reviews

If an adult is harmed or dies in your care as a result of suspected abuse or neglect then an NHS Trust can find itself under the spot light of multiple interested parties.
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Warning/Fixed Penalty Notices

The CQC can issue a Warning Notice or a Fixed Penalty Notice to an NHS Trust where there has been a failing to comply with a legal requirement.
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Ridouts puts on training events for the sector and can also provide tailored in-house training to you and your staff.
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