Poll suggests Government guidance may have contributed to current rate of deaths in care homes

Topics covered: care home, COVID-19, government

A recent poll by Sky News of care home providers conducted in collaboration with Care North East and the Registered Nursing Homes Association has found that 70% felt pressure from Hospitals to admit residents prior to the current version of government guidance; 41% stated that hospital discharged patients with Covid-19 symptoms and 38% stated that they thought that hospital transfers caused Covid-19 to spread in the care home.

The Government issued guidance on Covid-19 and care home admissions/ transfers prior to its current iteration which stated that care homes did not require negative tests in order to admit residents to their Homes.

The Government has since revised guidance and its strategy on testing in order to ensure that tests are conducted on all those admitted into care homes. The death rate in care homes is reducing in recent weeks which could be as a result of this change.

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